Living Life Fully, Even With Dry Eye

My work schedule was consuming my life. It had been weeks since I’d done anything fun. So, when I was invited to attend an art exhibit with my friends, I gladly accepted. I had no idea what I was agreeing to, but I was excited to do something social with the girls.

Chronic dry eye symptoms threatened to ruin my night

The day of the exhibit, I was excited! I packed my things so I could get ready immediately after work. As soon as dusk began to fall, my eyes began feeling like sandpaper, I could barely keep them open. I couldn’t see anything clearly. I even felt a little nauseous.

I tried eye drops. They provided momentary relief. I tried palming (a technique where you close your eyes and cover with your palms to rest and naturally lubricate the eye surface). That didn’t help either. I tried deep breathing just to calm myself down. I wondered how I would make it through the night. I was genuinely afraid to drive!

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My friend offered the support I needed

Mentally, I wanted to go, but physically, I was not feeling up for it. The fact that I felt unwell was greatly distressing me. I got so deep into my head and began spiraling. I called my friend, attempting to explain my condition, and fully intending to bail. She asked, “Have you been socializing?”

That was an awesome question. I’ve spent time with people, but it all revolved around work. The last time I did something purely social was weeks ago. It was physically uncomfortable, but I forced myself to turn the car on and start driving to meet up with my friends. Saying, “Yes,” brings the fullness of life.

I was rewarded for staying despite symptoms

The “art exhibit” turned out to be this really trippy art show in a dark room. Every single painting was lit with black lights. There was a live performance, also in the dark with very sparse lighting. I could barely see anything. I mostly sat there with my eyes half closed, trying to prevent them from fully shutting. Halfway through the show, all the lights went out and the paintings began to glow! My poor eyes! By then, I really wanted to go home, but felt it would be rude to leave during the show.

Every piece of artwork was layered with regular paint, black light, and glow in the dark paints. The paintings transformed like magic based on the light source that was aimed at them. It was actually pretty phenomenal to witness.

Live life fully despite chronic dry eye

I was honestly glad I went. Despite barely being able to keep my eyes open, and applying eye drops countless times that night, I had an enriching experience. It opened my mind. I was happy to see my friends. I didn't let my dry eyes stop me!

You can still enjoy your life and do your best when symptoms flare up. Life is meant to be lived, even with chronic dry eyes!

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