Bottle of eyedrops, sunglasses, and Omega-3 fish oil capsules float over an outstretched hand.

Some of My Dry Eye Products and Their Costs

Chronic dry eye has been a tough health condition for me financially. Unlike my other health issues, many of the things I use to treat dry eye are over-the-counter, or they are not covered by health insurance. It’s also harder to mitigate the impact of dry eye on my everyday life, compared to another symptom like joint pain, when I need to use my eyes all day long.

In this video, I talk about a variety of dry eye expenses, such as one bottle of preservative-free eye drops ($5.60), specialty driving sunglasses ($30), a bottle of steroid eye drops ($65), and the cost of higher quality contact lenses ($650 a year for daily contacts).

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Have you experienced high costs associated with chronic dry eye?

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