How Long Did It Take You to Get Diagnosed With Chronic Dry Eye?
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Although not always the case, receiving an official chronic dry eye diagnosis can take a while for many people. From the time you first noticed your dry eye symptoms, how long did it take for you to receive your chronic dry eye diagnosis?
It was three years for me. It began with my cataract surgery and YAG procedure. I was diagnosed during my annual eye exam by my optometrist. Sharon Moore team member
CommunityMember262 Member
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Your cataract surgery had something to do with it? I know my ophthalmologist said my cataract surgery, when my cataracts are ready, will be more difficult because of my dry eyes.
Sharon Moore Member
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I just know that following my cataract surgery and subsequent YAG laser procedure I developed dry eye symptoms. In hindsight I would have delayed my cataract surgery until it had more of an impact on my vision. My major complaint was glare and I could have lived with it. You and your ophthalmologist will be able to determine the right time for surgery. It’s important to protect your eyes with sunglasses from the sun as a major factor in cataract surgery. Warm wishes, Sharon Moore Patient Leader
Sharon Moore Member
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Wendy your experience echos my own. I had a difficult time getting my retinal specialist to help with my chronic dry eye condition. It was only when I saw a different retinal specialist that was also a DO versus MD that I got help. Sharon Moore team member
Melody Member
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Mine was diagnosed quite quickly. Because of some medication that I've taken for my RA, I was required to have eye exams to check my retinas every 6 months for the last 25+ years! I was lucky and had a wonderful ophthalmologist that believed in treating any problems as soon as they started bothering me! He is very aggressive and I love that!
Ava Meena Member
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I'm guessing that medication might be hydroxychloroquine? I take it for lupus. I actually had the opposite experience. I went in for dry eye treatment and the doctor refused to treat it because he was so preoccupied with my Plaquenil scans, which were already in order. So glad you have a great doctor! -Ava, CDE team
Amanda Gaskell Member
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It took about 8 months to finally get a diagnosis of chronic dry eye. There was a lot of trial and error with finding treatments that work. I am still fine tuning those and have not quite found the magic one!