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Ozone Saline Eye Drops

this is a story in the making as I am about to try making my own eye drops for dry eyes. I have purchased a small ozone machine and I will add some saline solution to water. it will be pronated for approx. 20 minutes and then I am ready to put the mixture in the eye drop bottle and drop this mixture into my eyes. it is my understanding that in European countries this is done with a good outcome. does anyone else know anything about this process?

  1. I am not familiar with this process. I would be concerned about the sterility of the solution. Their recent eye drop recall has made me doubly caution about what goes into my eyes. Have you asked your doctor about it? Warm wishes, Sharon Moore patient leader

    1. Make sure you use distilled water

      1. thanks for your tip about using distilled water. You can’t be too careful when it comes to your eyes. Regards, Sharon Moore patient leader

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