Our Top Tips for Managing Chronic Dry Eye

After a chronic dry eye diagnosis, one thing is true: Life does change. The physical discomfort. The doctor’s visits. All of the treatment options. Let’s face it – it can be a lot to deal with.
And dealing with the day-to-day symptoms? That can be a real challenge, too. We asked our ChronicDryEye.net community how they go about managing their symptoms. Here’s what they had to share.

All about artificial tears
When our eyes don’t make enough moisture on their own, what can we turn to? Artificial tears may help.
The potential perks? Moisture maintenance. Redness relief. Steady lubrication. But there’s a flip side to all of this. Contrary to what many believe, common drugstore drops aren’t always as useful as they seem. While they can be good for momentary relief, they don’t always offer any long-term aid when it comes to treating chronic dry eye.
Besides temporary comfort, certain artificial tears can help with some of the more severe symptoms, like constant inflammation. It’s important to know that there are many different options for eye drops out there – and they all do different things. Staying informed about what drops work for what symptoms is a must.
Not sure which route to take? A conversation with your doctor is a good place to start.

“Artificial tears. Nothing else.”
– ChronicDryEye.net Community Member
Special specs
Who doesn’t love the outdoors, right? But with chronic dry eye, even regular everyday things – like the sun shining – can be aggravating. Fortunately, there are options. For instance, investing in protective eyewear to help block out bright lights or harmful rays from the sun while on the go may soothe some discomfort.
What works best? It all comes down to trial and error – and personal preference. Some community members find that special contact lenses, polarized sunglasses, or even moisture-retention glasses give them the relief they need.

“My biggest tip is to wear polarized sunglasses. They sharpen my vision by improving contrast.”
– ChronicDryEye.net Community Member
A little of everything
With chronic dry eye, it may take multiple tries before we come up with a routine or remedy that helps. Dry eye masks? A special eyewash? Avoiding certain products altogether? There’s no quick fix. But, with dedicated effort, there may be solutions in sight.
What we do on a daily basis can also affect the severity of chronic dry eye symptoms. Simple lifestyle adjustments could be helpful. A good place to start? Ask your doctor about small diet changes that make room for more Omega-3 fatty acids. Some research has shown they may reduce inflammation throughout the body, including the eyes. Research also suggests that acupuncture may help to restore the body’s balance while improving blood flow to the eyes.
Whatever the case, a little can go a long way. By making subtle shifts in our habits and routines, we may be able to find momentary relief – one change at a time.

“My electric dry eye mask – which I do once or twice a day – is the best thing ever.”
– ChronicDryEye.net Community Member
Finding the right balance
Living with chronic dry eye can bring about changes that we don’t always expect. Finding remedies that soothe our symptoms can be difficult – and exhausting. No single solution looks the same for everyone. But, with a little preparation, we may be able to create our own personal regimen that helps provide some relief.