Thanks for asking, Sharon. The paper towel has worked fine, with the extra benefit that, once used for covering my eyes to keep the mask clean, I can wet it, nuke it for a few seconds, and use it to scrub off the coagulated oils from the eyelid glands. My doc pronounced the keratitis cleared a few weeks ago, and then I developed a new corneal "scratch" (more on that in a bit), which appeared to clear for a week of good eye days. And then, over last weekend, I had four days of eye discomfort (including one day when the affected eye - always the right eye - wanted to stay shut all @##$^ing day)...which then cleared up, and it's been fine for the last five days. I see the doc next week to ask whether I can expect this as my new normal, or if it's a recovery sort of thing. About that "scratch": my doc said that, once you've had a corneal scratch, it can recur spontaneously for a while; I'm interpreting what he said as, "The corneal surface can tear," but those are my words, not his. It's possible that I'm going to have to learn all about recurrent erosion syndrome, in which the corneal surface sort of peels off all on its own; I'm hoping that I don't get to add that to my list of Things I'd Have Been Just as Happy Not to Know About.