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Burning eyes

Hello , I’m new to this forum , I suffer from chronic dry eyes and blepharitis and have also had puk of the eye , however , I’m finding all my usual eyebrops are sometimes burning my eyes and even crying can burn my eyes , can dry eyes cause this kind of sensitivity ? Thanks Tracy x

  1. Hi . Have you talked with your doctor about this issue? We are not medical experts but, I did a bit of research. It seems that tears can sometimes come with a booster of antibiodies and hormones in reaction to certain health conditions, like blephartis, and that boost can cause a burning sensation. Tears and eye drops can also make the eyes sting temporarily if they move irritants around in your eyes. Here is an article from one of our advocates with also has blephartis and chronic dry eye: I hope you find it helpful. Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

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