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Dry Eye

The week of my 40th birthday I woke up with a torn tissue on my eye due to a dry eye. Seven different doctors and about a month later, I had surgery to fix it. I kept trying to work an hour from my house and it would re-tear with non stop watering. I had the surgery and two days later I was back at work working with white pea gravel, white prints and my partner wore a white t-shirt. I couldn’t tolerate the white color and when I got home to look at computer, I couldn’t stand it. Two years later at my wife’s 40th birthday she was wrestling with our son and his toenail tore the tissue on her eye the same eye as me 🤦🏻‍♂️. I started using Miebo drops in the daytime and gel drops at night.

  1. Wow, what an intense series of events for both you and your wife! It sounds like that whole experience really took a toll on you physically and emotionally, especially with the vision issues and the pain from the torn tissue. I can't imagine what it was like dealing with that for so long, trying to work through it, and then having it happen again with your wife. It’s good that you found some relief with the Miebo drops and gel drops, though. How are you both feeling now after everything? Does the treatment seem to be helping in the long term?

    1. Hi there, - Thanks so much for taking the time to share your journey with dry eye. Torn tissue in the eyes sounds awful! Have you noticed a positive difference with your new treatment? Super curious to hear more! - Cody (Team Member)

      1. After the surgeon scraped the tissue on my eye off I recovered 12 years ago but with Sjögren’s my eyes are dry and burning a lot. I used the drops for about the last year and they have helped. Due to a change in my insurance I’m waiting to see if I can afford the drops now. My wife has had trouble a few times with her eye but she refuses to have a placenta placed in her eye to let it heal so about once a year they put a contact bandage on her eye. She just uses plain drops occasionally( and keeps our sons toes away from her lol) It is very painful you can’t blink, couldn’t look at my phone or computer, I still don’t like headlights or bright lights, I don’t like a fan blowing at me.

        1. Can totally understand why looking at screens or fans would feel unbearable. Studies have shown that when we use electronics we tend to blink less. Therefore, any time spent on screens is like throwing gasoline on an already burning fire from Sjogren's!

          Crossing my fingers for you, and hope that this insurance issue will resolve quickly. We all deserve to have the tools we need for our eyes function to the best of their ability. - Cody (Team Member)

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