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Severe Dry Eye due to Vitamin A deficiency

Has anyone gone through this?
I have had dry eye for 5 years. I have tried surgeries ( tear duct plugs), Xiidra (1 year), artificial eye drops (5 years).
Seems like my condition only gets worse and worse and the treatments I did and do do not help anymore.
I was diagnosed with vitamin A inability to be absorbed and stored due to an unknown disease.
Not sure what else to do. It keeps progressing further.
My eyes burn and hurt and I have to use eye drops every 10-15 min. Eye lids turned red and it is hard to live like this.

  1. You must be horribly frustrated, . Has your doctor offered any treatment for the Vitamin A insufficiency or referrals to any doctors who might be able to help? Have you been evaluated for conditions that might prevent absorbtion like Celiac's disease o or Crohn's disease? If you haven't been referred to a gastroenterologist, it might be wise to make an appointment. Please keep pushing for answers to your deficiency and please get tested for Celiac's disease even if your doctor hasn't considered it. Celiac's if often the cause of nutritional deficiencies, but it is also often overlooked at a potential cause. It is a simply blood test that your primary care physical can easily order. Her is an article about Vitamin A and its role in Chronic Dry Eye that might interest you: I wish I could help more. Please keep me posted if you don't mind. I will be thinking of you. - Lori (Team Member)

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