\n","dateModified":"2023-06-05T14:01:35.016920Z","dateCreated":"2023-06-05T14:01:35.016920Z","datePublished":"2023-06-05T14:01:35.016920Z","commentCount":2,"keywords":["Tips & Advice","Travel"],"url":"/forums/conversation-of-the-week-traveling-with-dry-eye","image":{"@id":"/forums/conversation-of-the-week-traveling-with-dry-eye#primaryimage"},"mainEntityOfPage":"True","isPartOf":{"@id":"https://chronicdryeye.net#webpage"},"author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Anna Williams"}},{}]}
Chronic dry eye can be tough to manage under basic conditions, but what if you are traveling? Exposing yourself to new triggers, blinking less if you are driving and not being in the comfort of your own home with all your tools can be scary to consider!
I just got home from a vacation with my family - 11 hour driving each way and spending time at the beach was tricky to navigate at times, but totally worth it. I've learned the best advice is "Take the trip" because I have my chronic dry eye whether I am at home or not and at least I can enjoy the beach! In September I plan on flying for the first time since having chronic dry eye.
So - let's hear your travel stories! How do you plan your trip? What do you take with you? What tips and tricks have worked for you while traveling and while you are in a new location? If you have stories of lessons learned those can be helpful too!