Yesterday I had my annual contact lens exam and my doctor is always looking for ways to increase my comfort with dry eye. I know a lot of people with dry eye tend to be more comfortable with glasses, but I'm the opposite - I'm more comfortable in contacts - and I suspect it may be because I have evaporative dry eye.
Anyway, yesterday the doctor gave me samples of a very new contact lens made by Acuvue that has blue light filtering built into the lens! It's supposed to reduce the load of blue light on your eyes and reduce fatigue. I've got a week of them to try out and I'm only on day two but they are super comfortable and I haven't needed as much dry eye help while wearing them, which is great!
The lens is called Acuvue Oasys Max 1-Day. The FDA just gave it approval last summer and I think it only hit the market a few months ago. Wanted to share in case it would help anyone else! I love hearing about the latest stuff coming out in eye care and grateful my doctor stays on top of it.