Hi thank you for your question! Putting in eye drops can be confusing and feel tricky. In my understanding, where on the eye the drop lands when going in is not overly critical. What is important is getting the drop(s) into the eye and then blinking to help spread the moisture around the whole eye. Often, pulling down the lower eyelid to place the drop is the easiest method for getting the drop into the eye, but then it spreads around to coat the eye. This video from one our health leaders who is an optometrist with chronic dry eye might be helpful for you. In it she shares her tips for how to use eye drops! https://chronicdryeye.net/video/drops
I would also encourage you to reach out to ask your eye doctor about the best approach for putting in drops for your unique eyes. I hope some of this is helpful for you - and that others will stop by to share their approaches with you as well! How are you feeling today? Know we are here to listen anytime you need support. Wishing you a gentle day. ~Allyson (ChronicDryEye.net team)