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Quantum device

Has anyone had experience using the Quantum device. Would like to purchase but not sure how. My optometrist not willing to get through his office because of the cost.

  1. Hi , I don't have direct experience with the Q. I know that one of our health leaders, has. She might be able to share how to purchase! I'm sorry that the cost was too high for your optometrist. - Warmly, Reggie - team member

    1. Hello, I got mine from my doctor, Dr. Toyos. You can also order the device from his website at Best wishes to you. - Erica, Team Member

      1. Thank you so much for the information. Plan to order after reading on line reports of helping. Happy New Year!

        1. would love to hear how it works out for you! It's something I'm considering as well. Not sure if you saw the video of Erica using it, but here's the link just in case it's helpful:

          -Ava, CDE team

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