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I have been fighting blepharitis (supposedly caused by dry eye) since February. Using antibiotic cream on lids, recently started oral antibiotic. Better but far from well. Itching is terrible. Also I wash eyelids twice a day with diluted baby shampoo & rinse with warm water. Dry eye is pretty much under control with artificial tears. Anyone here have this problem? What else can I do? Maybe it's an allergy to glaucoma med?

  1. I too have blepharitis along w/ my dry eyes. I use Bruder eye moist heat compress 2 x's a day & wash my lids w/ Bruder hygienic eyelid solutions 2 x's a day. The compress seems to work great along w/ the eyelid solution, my blephartitis seems to have gotten better.

    1. thank you for sharing your treatment regimen with . The support members give each other is one reason I find this community so helpful. I use the Bruder mask but was unaware they made the eyelid solution. Regards, Sharon Moore patient leader

    2. You're welcome. I think using the eye mask/compress along w/ the solution is what has helped my eyes. When I used one or the other alone, It doesn't seem to do as well as when I use both.

  2. Thanks for response. My opthalmalogist is not a fan of using mask, but I would like to try the solution, have not seen it - do you order it somewhere?

    1. I found that it's cheaper on Amazon than at any pharmacy.

  3. Another question about the Bruder solution - is it liquid in a bottle or is it a wipe? Seems to be a lot of different choices when I googled it. Thanks for advice.

    1. I use the liquid. I use either a clean finget tip or a small square of cotton to swipe the solution onto each eyelid. As I said, I haven't had crusty, itchy symptoms of the eyes since I've been using it. Good luck!

  4. Thanks so much for prompt advice!

    1. You're welcome!

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