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Reoccurring Subconjuctival Hemmorhage

I have had a reoccurring subconjuctival hemmorhage in the exact same spot/vessel in the exact same eye for the last 8 months. All blood work is normal ( CBC) ( blood proteins)( no bleeding or bruising) (no blood clotting issues) ( no blood thinners or NSAIDs) . I was put on low dose bp meds to see if it was blood pressure related, but that looks like not the case as area still ruptures. I did have (2) positive antibodies in an ANA blood test towards my thyroid, but my thyroid levels are in normal range. Have pinguecula in both eyes and chronic dry eyes as well. I have been on Restasis for about 3 weeks twice a day. What am I missing? Anyone else ever had this issue?

  1. , uff, I hear how much you have been struggling with recurrent subconjunctival hemorrhages. It is tough when you go through so many different tests and treatments and still the issue persists. I'm glad you are working with your doctors to determine what is occurring. While I personally have not heard others mention this complication, I did find an article in the Review of Optometry journal that discusses primary eye conditions that can lead to secondary dry eye. The section about conjunctivochalasis mentions frequent subconjunctival hemorrhages. I thought it might be of interest to you:
    I hope if others in the community have had this experience, they will stop by to share with you! How are you feeling today? Please keep us posted on how you are managing and what comes next with your treatment approach. Wishing you a gentle day. ~Allyson ( team)

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