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Serum Tears use in cancer patient

Reaching out to this group. Ive used serum tears for years now.
Unfortunately, Ive been diagnosed with a blood cancer, multiple myeloma. Can I continue the serum tears,anticipating chemo drugs will also appear in the drawn blood? Anyone? Doctor unclear. Thanks. Dick

  1. i am so sorry about your cancer diagnosis. Unfortunately I can’t answer your question. Your doctor should have the knowledge to answer your question. Did you ask your oncologist or your eye doctor? Best wishes, Sharon Moore patient leader

    1. Hi - I'm sorry you're also facing a cancer diagnosis along with already managing dry eye. I just wanted to let you know we will feature your question in our next newsletter on May 31 so that it has more visibility as well so others who may have an answer can weigh in. Warmly, - Reggie, team member

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