TedCde and Ted can happen?...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesComorbiditiesAqueous Deficient Dry Eye
Has anyone had shingles?Was diagnosed with shingles on Monday. I'm so very worried that it will go to my eyes since I must have had it for a few days before I was...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesComorbidities
Have you paused your dry eye treatment?My dry eye seems to mostly be caused by a systemic autoimmune disease called Sjogren's. I take a biologic medication for my autoimmune diseases called Cimzia, but I can't take...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesSurgeryTreatmentComorbidities
Serum Tears use in cancer patientReaching out to this group. Ive used serum tears for years now. Unfortunately, Ive been diagnosed with a blood cancer, multiple myeloma. Can I continue the serum tears,anticipating chemo drugs...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesComorbidities
StyeHello folks. I'm dealing with lately are styes. My doctor says they form when the oil glands clog, then get infected. They're painful,and mine are chronic. Any help out there?...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesComorbidities
Anyone With Cataracts In Addition to Dry Eye?Cataracts often occur with dry eye disease. Does anyone here have cataracts? If you're not familiar about the link between cataracts and dry eye, here's a helpful article: https://chronicdryeye.net/cataracts?utm_source=cataracts...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesComorbidities
Correlation between dry eye and sleeplessness?I struggle with sleep for a variety of reasons, including my autoimmune disease, but sometimes I feel like the pressure in my eyes makes it difficult to sleep as well...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesSymptomsSleepComorbidities
FeaturedDry eye and skin conditionsDoes anyone else deal with any skin condition(s) on top of chronic dry eye? Whether it's eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, etc. If so, do you find your eyes are worse when...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesTips & AdviceCopingComorbidities
FeaturedAdditional Eye Conditions In addition to chronic dry eye, what other eye conditions are you experiencing (or have experienced in the past)?...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesComorbidities