Anyone With Cataracts In Addition to Dry Eye?Cataracts often occur with dry eye disease. Does anyone here have cataracts? If you're not familiar about the link between cataracts and dry eye, here's a helpful article: repliesComorbidities
New Here?If you're just exploring our site, welcome! Here are a few helpful places to get started: 1) Article | Read "How to Get the Most out of" ( repliesCoping
Waiting for Hurricane IanI'm sitting at my computer waiting for Ian to get here and be gone. Of all times to have a flare, I'm having one now. First one eye has pain...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesWeather
Washing Bruder Eye CompressFor those who use a Bruder eye compress, how often do you wash it? I handwash and air dry mine whenever I notice it getting a bit dirty, but was...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesTreatment
Dry eyes bumps?Hello, I have many symptoms like halos, sand feeling in the eyes, pain, visual trail, after images, etc. I noticed some little bumps/waves on the cover of my eyes. Can...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesDiagnosis
Schirmer test is 0Iam 30 year old male . I have suffering severe dry eye its 0 . I very uncomfortable with my eyes . I can’t go to work and else ...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesMental Health
Ask Optometrists Anything About Dry Eye!On Thursday, March 17, 2022, at 5 pm EST, Drs. Essence Johnson and Dr. Jacobi Cleaver will join us on Instagram for our first Ask the Optometrists session! Below, please...Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesAwarenessHealthcare Team
Reading glassesAre there reading glasses made for dry eyes? I see all the sunglasses but i am needing reading glasses....Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesTreatment
My personal spontaneous cureAfter developing a suspected small dvt in my lung, I decided it was safest to keep my blood thin, at least for several months. After researching natural blood thinners I...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesTips & Advice
Redness eyelid Four months ago I had a chalazion on the lower lid of my right eye. after it was reabsorbed, I noticed that I had redness at that point and there...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesTips & AdviceSymptomsDiagnosis